Galaxy Sanitizing Service Services
You already know about Coronavirus and maybe you doing every possible thing to prevent this virus. No matter how much you sanitize your hand, it all gets washed out as soon as you touch your smartphone. Our smartphones are not clean, despite looking shiny from the outside.
According to a report, the fact is that a smartphone in your hand or in your pocket has around 25,000 germs and bacteria per square inch. Don’t surprise even, a toilet seat contains 1,200 germs per square inch. Samsung is coming with a new service to keep the smartphone clean. The new program will enable the user to disinfect their smartphones in any of its service centers.
Samsung’s new program called ‘Galaxy Sanitizing Service’ in around 19 countries to help users clean up and sanitize Samsung phones and other devices for free.

Galaxy Sanitizing Service
The program by South Korean smartphone manufacturers includes 19 Countries namely Argentina, Chile, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, the United States, Ukraine, and Vietnam. There is a report that 25 more countries are expected to be added to the list, including India, Australia, Austria, Canada, Czechia, France, Greece, Kazakhstan, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Latvia, Mexico, Romania, the Netherlands, Panama, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.
This program will allow users to visit any Samsung service center around the world to clean, sanitize and disinfect their smartphones free of cost.
For those who use normal phone cleaners that come in spray bottles are not much effective in killing all the germs and bacteria from your smartphone. Moreover, these bottles sprays may affect the display of the components inside the device, or even damage the oleophobic coating that keeps phone displays largely free from unwarranted fingerprint smudges. Such liquid sprays cleaners are also not good on devices without an official water-resistance rating, since doing so may cause liquid damage.
So, the question coming in your mind that what different Samsung is doing to clean all these smartphones?
Samsung “Galaxy Sanitizing Service” will reportedly use the UV-C light for the disinfection process. The UV-C light kills certain bacteria, germs, viruses or harmful microorganisms because of shorter wavelengths.
Apart from smartphones the “Samsung Sanitising Service”, can be used to clean the Galaxy Watch as well as Buds TWS earbuds clean.
Samsung apparently added a webpage on its official website about the program commencing in Malaysia. However, the webpage was later removed by the company.