“Google chrome is the most used browser and Windows 10 grab the 57.34% market shares”
Netmarketshare (provide the web technology usage data) shared the data of the desktop Operating System and Desktop web browser in 2020.
Browser Market Share
According to the report, Google Chrome covers the larget desktop market shares all over the world. Google chrome covers 68.5 percent shares followed by Microsoft Edge at 7.59 percent market share and the Firefox has slipped to rank 3 with 7.19 percent of the market, and surprisingly the Internet Explorer is on four with a 5.87 percent market share.
See the data below provide by Netmarketshare:

Microsoft Edge Becomes Second-Largest Desktop Browser after Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge gains more popularity after the launch on the Android and iOS platforms. The Chromium from Microsoft was released on 15, January 2020 and an open-source software project from Google. Firefox losing the market share in the competition not only from Chrome and Edge but also from Opera and Safari browser. Firefox has to do follow a new strategy to make the open-source browser faster and customer friendly.
Operating System Market Share on Desktop
Coming to the Operating System, Microsoft Windows covers 88.29% market share and followed by Mac OS 9.33%, and Linus and Chrome OS stay on number 3rd and 4th with market share 1.78% and 0.42% respectively.
See the data below:

Operating System Market Share
Now coming to the Operating system, Windows 10 acquired 57.34% of desktop market share all over the world, with the end of Windows 7, the users are shifting themself to the Windows 10. and is followed by Windows 7 at 26.23 percent. Windows 8.1 comes in the third number hold 3.69 percent market share, while Apple macOS X 10.14 comes fourth with 2.62 percent.
Operating System Market Share on Mobile
One the mobile Platform Google Android holds 71.17% market shares followed by Apple iOS 28.35%. See the data below.

Operating System Market Share on Mobile