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Zoom iOS App Sends data secretly with Facebook: Report

Zoom iOS App Sends data secretly with Facebook

“Zoom Video conferencing iOS App Sends Data to Facebook Even if a User Doesn’t Have a Facebook Account”

Video conferencing app Zoom gain huge popularity since the people have been forced to work from home due to the Coronavirus pandemic outbreak spreading throughout the world. A lot of people working from home like students, teachers, office work using the Zoom App to stay in touch and maintaining the Social distance properly.

A new report from Motherboard claims that the Zoom app sending some kind of Analytical data from iOS users to Facebook, without the user’s knowledge. The worse thing is that, If the user doesn’t have any Facebook account, then it still sends data secretly.

According to the report, the video confessing app Zoom uses Facebook’s Graph API (Facebook’s software development kits) to provide certain features.

What kind of Data Zoom ios app using?

Here is the information that is delivered to Facebook using Zoom App:

  1. It notifies Facebook whenever the user opens the Zoom app.
  2. It sends details about the user’s device model they are using, other information like the city, the telecom operator they are using.
  3. A unique advertisement identifier for ads targeting.


Pat Walsh who analyzed Zoom’s Privacy Policy said in his statement “That’s shocking. There is nothing in the privacy policy that addresses that,”

Zoom mentions in policy that their service will collect Facebook data if a user logs-in with Facebook or creates a Zoom account using Facebook. but the noticeable thing is that they didn’t mention if a user doesn’t have a Facebook account, which means the app still collects and sends data to Facebook anyway.

Thing is not the only privacy issue about Zoom, the other report from EFF, Zoom also see participants’ IP addresses, location data, and device information. That’s all about the Zoom app.

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